
Hiro Yokoyama Portrait (2014)
Hiro Yokoyama Portrait (2014)
Hirokazu Yokoyama was born in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Japan. He started playing the electronic bass when he was 18 years old and when he was 19 years old, he switch his prime instrument from the bass guitar to the double bass. Then he studied a basic way to play the double bass with Jun Suzuki. After 5 years, he started learn a modern style with Katsumi Tani, also he studied jazz harmony and composing with Osamu Koichi. 2011, he moved to NYC to study jazz at the City College of New York. During the college, he studied with Neal Miner(bassist), Chris Zaur (arranger) and Vanderlei Pereira (drummer and percassionist). Now he learned a modern classical method with Chiho Saegusa.